Auntie Heather's Whipped Peppermint Foot Cream Essential Oil Blend is a perfect companion to use with sore/tired feet or anywhere else that might be sore. Use our Essential Oil Blend for those moments when you just need a cool/calming effect.
Directions for use: Apply directly to your sore/tired feet or anywhere else that might be sore. Rub in for a uniform coverage. Great lotion for on the go when wanting to cool/calm soreness. Apply as many times as you desire. WARNING: will make your feet slippery, use caution when walking.
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Cocoa Butter, Beeswax (local) Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lavender Essential Oils, Vitamin E.
Warning: Avoid contact with eyes. May cause skin irritation. Keep out of reach of children unless supervised by an adult. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless you consult with your physician.
Disclaimer: You are not purchasing an 100% Essential Oil Blend. You are purchasing a 10% Essential Oil dilution, which is recommended for topical use.